Fill Out the Census or Register to Vote on September 26!

On Saturday, September 26 from 1 to 4 p.m., the South Suburban Immigrant Project (SSIP) will be in the Fountaindale Public Library parking lot with a taco truck and champurrado helping everyone in the community fill out their 2020 Census returns and registering to vote!

Upon entering the library parking lot, drive through the designated lanes to complete your census or voters registration. Volunteers from SSIP will bring champurrado to each vehicle, with the option to order tacos from the conveniently placed mobile truck parked nearby. An individual from SSIP will assist with the census return or voters registration process while the occupants of each car wait to receive their food order.

Can’t attend this event? You can still complete your census return three different ways:

  • Online at
  • Call 844.330.2020
  • Mail. Just return the paper questionnaire that was sent to your home.

Fill Out the Census or Register to Vote on September 26!

Why is the Census So Important?

  • Each person counted in the census generates over $1,400 for our community.
  • Census data funds high-need programs such as free/reduced school lunches, free summer meals for children and free medical services in our community.
  • Affordable housing, improvements to roads and highways and emergency services such as fire departments depend on census information.

The 2020 census will NOT ask you about:

  • Your citizenship
  • Your banking information
  • Your social security number

Our community is counting on you to be counted in the 2020 census. By not participating, our community will lose much needed funding to provide essential services to the people and programs who need them the most.

For questions about the Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project Census and Voters Registration event on Saturday, September 26, please call 630.296.6755.

Looking Forward to Seeing You There!