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Browse, download and stream over 15 million songs and 40,000 music videos, including current hits and Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists.



Access thousands of movies, TV shows, music, eBooks, audiobooks and graphic novels when and where you want.

Illinois Catalog

Search the OCLC catalog of materials held by Illinois libraries. Items may be requested through Interlibrary Loan.


Stream thousands of independent and documentary films and children’s movies and TV shows, including titles from The Criterion Collection, The Great Courses, PBS Kids, Media Education Foundation and more.

Libby by OverDrive

Borrow from a robust collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines and movies—including best-selling authors, new release titles, classics and crowd-pleasers.

Linkedin Learning (

Learn business, creative and technology skills to achieve your personal and professional goals with thousands of expert-led, online video tutorials.

Mango Languages

Explore more than 70 foreign languages, American Sign Language and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses and resources to gain practical, real world conversation skills.


MasterFile Premier

Discover thousands of full-text general reference magazine articles including business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and more from 1975 to present day.

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